Competing in the US Open
The US Open is the biggest powerlifting meet in history with over $200,000 in prize money. Only the top lifters of the world were invited to compete in this competition.
This was the most competitive competition that I have ever competed in. Though I DID PR with a 1050 total (old total was 1008), I was expecting a 1075. A PR is still a PR, so I can’t really complain about that. This meet has opened my eyes and it made me rethink my game plan for my next meet.
- Weight Cut – I was right on target for my weight. While the other girls were doing 10-25lb water cuts, I didn’t put much effort in going down a weight class. I could’ve bulked up to 160lbs and go down from there. Perhaps I could’ve been stronger at 160lbs, now I’ll never know. I personally don’t want to gain so much weight anyway, simply because I care about my looks and aesthetics.
- Lifting with Poor Form in the gym – I am talking about my bench. I have noticed that my butt has been shooting up during my gym sessions and didn’t make it a priority to fix it. Due to my laziness and carelessness to paying attention to details, I’ve been neglecting my hip stretches and foot positioning before benching.
- Get Stronger – My deadlift needs a LOT of work right now. I saw a 165lb girl attempt a 600lb deadlift this past weekend. There IS NO LIMIT. Deadlift is the lift that determines the winner since it’s most often the heaviest amount of weight lifted. I squat more than I deadlift; which is usually supposed to be the other way around. There is definitely potential for growth in my deadlift numbers, along with my other numbers.