Coaching with Daphne

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How To Fitness

In the health & fitness industry, we are overwhelmed by information – some don’t even make sense and some are just straight up dangerous. I get asked so many questions about how to lose weight, how to bulk up, I’m taking protein but I’m not seeing progress, should I lose weight first before building muscle, I heard coconut oil in coffee can help you burn fat, what about acai berries, etc etc.

It all ties down to this chart that I created and I broke it down into 4 categories on how to reach your fitness goals.

1. Mindset
2. Calories & Nutrition
3. Exercise
4. Supplements


What is your goal? Where are you now & where do you want to be? Are you willing to do whatever it takes regardless of the circumstances – work, kids, “no time”, “no motivation”, or just straight up feeling lazy? Are you patient? Are you disciplined enough to say “NO” to temptations – cookies, donuts, drinking, partying with friends, etc.


If you are trying to lose weight, you have to be in a caloric deficit; meaning you have to eat less than what you burn in a day. If you are trying to gain weight, you have to be in a caloric surplus; meaning you have to eat more than what you burn in a day.

Now, everyone is built different and some people burn more calories than others. If you have a sit-down job, then you would burn fewer calories than someone active, say a mail-man. If you are young & 17 male, then you would burn more calories than an 80-year-old grandma.
So where do you start? This is when you have to experiment for yourself and play around with the numbers. I recommend starting at 2000 calories if you are a female, 2500 calories if you are a male; and then go from there. If you want specific macros, please email me or fill out an application on this website and I will help you out <3


This ties back to what is your goal? Are you trying to build muscle? Tone up? Work on balance? Trying to run a marathon? Want to compete in the Olympics for the US Swim team? My recommendation is to do something you love. As mentioned in the video, I hate running; therefore, I’ll choose another activity to keep me active – Powerlifting & Bodybuilding.


It’s to supplements everything above (or everything below if you watched my video.) You don’t need it, but it can help if you’re already doing everything as mentioned. Please do your research and ask a doctor before taking anything – supplements & steroids.